File data conversion made easy using ABAP custom utility class zcl_filedata_convert

In the last post, I talked about how to read XLSX files into an internal table and convert internal to XLSX files. In this post, I wanted to share a custom utility class that can make tasks of data conversion as simple as a method call. The class is ZCL_FILEDATA_CONVERT.

Below are a few of the code snippets showing its capabilities.

Let's start with XLSX to the internal table.

It automatically handles date and time fields for you.

Internal table to XLSX

similarly converting data from and to CSV or TSV or special separated file, It handles it all.

Here is a link to source : ZCL_FILE_DATA_CONVERT

Use it as it is or modify it to suit your needs.

As always, hope you like the post and use its information in your day to day work.

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