
Showing posts from December, 2020

ABAP Editor/Workbench Custom Dynamic Patterns

In my last post ABAP Editor dynamic patterns , We saw how we can use the patterns to our advantage. Today, I wanted to expand upon further features of dynamic patterns, which is the ability to write and add your own dynamic patterns. Let's say you want to define a template for the generation of DB validation code and provide your table name as input. Creating the Pattern. From the ABAP editor, Select Utilities > More Utilities > Edit Pattern > Create Pattern and enter a name for your pattern. Type name for the pattern: You will be presented with a text editor screen, Add the following code: *$&$MUSTER The above code tells the runtime to call a function module with the naming convention: <pattern_name>_editor_exit. > The next obvious step is to create the FM with the above-discussed name. The FM has a defined interface of a TABLES parameter BUFFER of type RSWSOURCET . The table is used to pass back the code to the editor. Insert Below c...